
Showing posts from April, 2016

Sunday Sayings

The problem with university is that unfortunately I don't have time to do either, unless it's for an assignment :(

There Are Some Things You Must Believe

I have been away so long because of school, but I can't be silent on this. I saw this article posted on social media and I couldn't stand by and let someone slander Christianity this way. So here is what it should say: You are either Christian or you're not. It seems straightforward: You accept Christ as your saviour or you don't. But people seem to think that it is okay to call themselves "Christian" and question Biblical truths. Yes there are grey areas, like how old the earth really is, and whether the creation story is even meant to be literal. But if you believe that other parts of what the Bible says are 100% real and accurate, then it follows that you would believe the same thing about the rest of God's word. And yet there are more and more people who say that you have to believe this or that or else you aren't Christian, and debates over these things are causing rifts in the body of believers. Criteria about what one should beli...