
Showing posts from October, 2016

Sunday Sayings

Today I've gone with a bookish quotation: It's Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada (so happy thanksgiving to all of my Canadian friends!). The sad thing this year is that the long weekend feels less like a holiday and more like a series of family get-together a and a chance to take time off of work. I've completely forgotten the spirit of the holiday, and this quotation really inspired me. We need to remember every day that being grateful for what we have is what brings joy. This week, let's all try to have appositive attitude.

Sunday Sayings

Sorry to only be posting once a week, but I am swamped in school work. Over the last week or two, I've been learning a lot about how much God loves us, and how we really just need to spend our time with Him, really trying to develop a relationship with Him. I'm at that stage in my life when I want someone to share my future with, to spend my life with. Honestly, I haven't ever had a boyfriend (even though I'm now 20). But I realize that as much as I want to fall in love with an amazing guy, I want to fall in love with our amazing God. And I'm going to put him first. I can tell that God has some really big things planned for me in the next year or so, and I'm looking forward to discovering what that will look like. And I'm going to do that with God at my side all the way. So today I urge you to spend your time in God. This is a challenge that's aimed at myself as much as it is aimed at you. We send time on things that really don't matter. Take ...

Sunday Sayings

Today God reached out to me at a service I don't normally attend. Today I am turning my life around more than I ever have, and giving it all over to Him. The joy I have been seeking in God is close, I can feel it. I am going to get that relationship back. I would like to spend more time with God tonight while I'm still up, so I'll keep this post brief. While reading Matthew 6 I thought I would just pick out a verse to share with you all, but so many of them spoke to me, and I think that they are things that a lot of you need to hear too, so I have several for today. But if you get the chance, just go read the whole chapter for yourself. Looks like over the past couple of weeks my blogs didn't actually post. Sorry friends!