Sunday Sayings
With a month and a half left of my exchange, I have suddenly begun to see England as my home, however temporary. Even just in these past few weeks I've been forming deeper friendships. I've grown so much in my time here. The people I've met and the experiences I've had have definitely shaped me, and God has taught me so many things about myself and about Himself. I am truly stronger for having lived here these past few months. And as people start to ask me about going home I realize that it may be harder than I thought to leave this place. Yes, of curse I want to go home. But I miss the people more than I miss the place. Home will always be familiar, but now that I've gone through the struggle of leaving it behind, it's not as important to me to go back there. I'm more excited to have my family join me here than I am to go home with them at the end of all of this (although, that will be nice). What I wonder now is whether home will still feel the way it use...