
Showing posts from June, 2018

The Boss Baby

[Warning: may contain spoilers. If you haven't seen this movie, you've been warned.] For a children's movie, The Boss Baby  does meta fiction pretty well. It is a story told by a young boy (although he is now grown up) about how he got his new brother. But the one thing that runs through his whole tale is the fact that adults never believe childrens' stories. They think that it is all just a result of limitless imagination, and so they never take kids seriously. Yet the movie is intentionally ambiguous about whether Tim's account, even though he is an adult, is true.  It would seem ridiculous to create babies like some kind of assembly-line product and have some babies assigned to work instead of families. Even more ridiculous is the plot to out-cute babies by breeding new the perfect puppy. And yet, in the world of cartoons, this is more than possible.  What leaves you guessing is the fact that Tim and Boss Baby are the only characters who seem to see things this w...