
Showing posts from December, 2019

That nagging question – Captain America: The Winter Soldier

From the moment that Thor enters the scene in the first Avengers movie , there is one question that continually arises, slowly gaining traction until it all comes to a head phase 3's Civil War (which will be discussed in a subsequent post). We see it in the mistrust between Fury, S.H.I.E.L.D., and the members of the Avengers team. It plays out in covert government operations and secretive weapon-building programs as much as it does in the need-to-know style of operations frequently undertaken by our heroes. As any great Spider-man fan knows, "with great power comes great responsibility." But what happens when no one trusts the powerful people to be appropriately responsible in their actions? The question at the root of Hydra's subterfuge and the plot to use S.H.I.E.L.D. technology for murderous purposes is essentially the same as the one that spawned Alan Moore and Dave Gibbon's comicbook masterpiece , and it is this: "Who watches the Watchmen?" If t...