Clearly I've had more time for movies this summer than I have had for books. It makes me sad to think about, but at least I have been lucky enough to come across some pretty good ones. The storyline is simple, but powerful. Jacob, ex-veterinary student, joins the circus and ends up becoming a favourite. He is specially tasked with caring for the circus's new elephant, Rosie. Jacob falls for Marlena, the horse-back acrobat who is working out a new act with Rosie. However, Marlena is married to the ring master/circus owner, August, who turns out to be rather abusive, both to his people and his animals. Everyone is property to him, but they are also liabilities, so when he can't afford to keep his entertainers and staff around, he dumps them off the train in the middle of the night. In the end, Jacob helps Marlena to realize how scary her situation is and the two escape together. Without revealing too much, I will let you know that this film ends as most romances do, with the ...