Jersey Boys

Warning: this movie is rated R for the use of certain explicit words (and content I suppose).
One of the movies I went to the theatre to watch this summer was Jersey Boys. I don't know if it was the fact that all four of the guys were broadway stars rather than big-name actors, the story (and the fact that it is true, or Clint Eastwood's  ability to make crime and dark times into something artistic, or all of them together, this movie was awesome!
I think it was very smart to have the same actors playing the boys the entire time, however when they showed them at the beginning I was finding it hard to believe that Franky was only 16. Yes, they definitely looked younger, but not young enough.
The story was crazy. The mob connections and loans that Tommy racked up was a bit insane. They were musical stars, so why did they need all those loans? Of course, the fact that he was using the money to treat his mistresses all over the country would explain it. It is just sad to believe thy he would use all of their earnings and more to maintain that lifestyle.
I thought it was really sweet thy Franky was such a family man. His marriage would probably have turned out fine if his wife didn't add to the trouble by turning into an alcoholic. When it was just the two of them with Francine, everything seemed perfect. And then he had to go and start a relationship with the reporter. His life was bad enough, but he made it worse by making some of the decisions he did, especially taking on all of Tommy's debts.
I felt really bad for Nicky always being overruled by the rest of the group. Still, it was bittersweet when he made the decision to leave the group. At least he made his family life work, even if he didn't realize at first that that was what he wanted.
Bob was adorable. I love that he was a chart-topping song writer, but he was a quiet little nerdy man who preferred to avoid the party life. I think that if all of them, he found the best balance of personal and business life while getting into the least amount of trouble. I thought he was cute.
The artistry if the whole film was great. I love that each if the guys told parts of the story from their own view. It made the whole thing personal, but also clearer to understand. The ending was my favourite part, when they all reunited at the Hall of Fame concert and discussed what the Four Seasons did for them and how the rest of their lives turned out. Then it ended with that great clip of them singing under the street light, before the giant musical number behind the credits. Amazing!


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