Sunday Sayings

So for those of you keeping up on world events, this weekend has been a particularly important one for the LGBTQ community. I am sure some of you have already noticed, but I want to let you know now that this blog is for expressing my views and so it will reflect my Christian beliefs.
That being said, I want everyone to know that I do not hate gays. I have a relative who is gay, and I love them and their spouse and children very much. However, this does not mean that I feel that their lifestyle choices are right. Living in Canada, legalized gay marriage is not a new concept to me. But the changes in America are an indication of the direction that the world is headed. I don't always like to say this (as there is progress constantly being made all over the world) but America is at the forefront of every major change in the world. If attitudes in America have begun to change, it won't be long before the rest of Western society follows. I don't feel that it is the responsibility of governments to redefine that which God created.
I won't push my opinion on you readers or anyone else, but based on events in my life this weekend I think that I need to stand up for what I believe.
I apologize for the long speech and I sincerely hope that I do not offend anyone.
I believe that it is not only possible to love someone despite their faults, but that to love someone even when you can't accept that what they do is right is to truly love.
Here is my quotation for the week:

Also, I'd like to share this song which has been on my mind: The Time is Now by Warren Barfield


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