OUAT Predictions

I hate posting out of order (we're all a bit OCD, okay?). But I want to get this down in writing in case I need it as proof later. Take note, Internet. I am about to make a prediction about what will happen in this week's Once Upon A Time (2 hour special!!!).
If you did not see the last episode, I would advise you not to carry on as this post will contain spoilers.
In "The Snow Queen" we saw Ingrid's backstory and why she ended up in the urn (that Elsa later ended up in). She, like Elsa, found that she could only control her powers when she was not worrying about her sister(s). Anyways, in some parallels of the plot of Frozen, Ingrid sees her sister falling in love with a man who's intentions are not as he states (and not only is he the Duke from Frozen, but it's basically the Hans plot). She gets worried and (just like Elsa) accidentally shoots her sister in the heart with ice. Only apparently, Helga didn't have the time to have her act of true love like Anna did, and so she rapidly turned into an ice statue. Then, when Ingrid touched her she turned into a pile of shattered ice. Afterwards, Gerda locks her into the urn out of fear.
Now, we go back a bit farther and start to put together the pieces that we have been given over time. 1) Anna is missing, but not dead. 2) Anna is the one who put Elsa in he urn. 3) The stories seem to have a lot of parallel. Now, considering these things and a knowledge of the characters, it would be reasonable to say that the only reason Anna would ever lock Elsa up is if Ingrid made her, or if Elsa did something unforgiveable and extremely dangerous; something such as killing a loved one the way Ingrid killed Helga. They don't have any loved ones, only each other...except, oh wait! Anna is about to marry Kristoff, who is finally becoming family to Elsa. Also, we know that Anna has managed to end up somewhere in Storybrooke, (and Elsa was brought back in the urn because she was locked in Rumple's safe, so she's an anomaly). So if Anna was brought over from Arendelle, then unless Rumple was holding her somewhere too, Kristoff should also have come over to Storybrooke. And yet, no one has seen him or even thought to look for him.
So that backstory information was longer than I thought it would be, but now here is my prediction: Elsa got locked in the urn by Anna because she accidentally killed Kristoff.
Of course, I could totally be wrong since one of the main themes of this show is that love and hope bring people back together, and that true love can conquer anything. In that case, Kristoff would not be dead, or at least someone would find a way to bring him back eventually.
What do you think? (comment any theories, or thoughts on my theory)


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