Sunday Sayings

Hello! If you have visited this blog before, then you may notice that it has been revamped! That's right, Little Talks has a new look. I thought about doing this several times in the last year, but was never entirely satisfied with the changes. However, some new templates have become available and I think that this one is pretty neat. But I would love to hear your thoughts. I'm going to post a poll (hopefully I can still make that work here) and I would love to have your input on the new look. I was finding the old colours too intense for my taste and the background was just totally random.
Can't find what you're looking for anymore? The sidebars are gone now. I know that might take some getting used to. Try clicking the little menu icon in the top left corner. There you will find a some information about me, a list of all my blog posts, some tools for translating or following the blog, and some links that I've shared.

Well there were so many things I wanted to share with you this week, several good talks I've heard, things I've learned and read, points to remember in our lives. I might have to hold onto some of it for another time. I've been busy writing a paper all week which meant that all of the blogs I would have loved to write had to take a backseat to my school work. It sucks, I know.
So now that I've used up most of my time changing the site's design and explaining all of that, what do I want to talk to you about? Well, maybe I can try to sum up my week by saying that everything we do should be done to honour God. Our behaviour, in whatever circumstance God has placed us, using whatever gifts He has given us, should show that His grace and love have changed our lives.


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