
I was not expecting to enjoy this movie when I first came across it. Let me explain. I was watching a show and when it ended I took too long to change the channel and so I started watching the movie without knowing what it was. I was hooked.
Jumper follows a young boy whose mother left when he was young and whose father is abusive. When helping his best friend (who is also his crush) to get back her snow globe that a bully through away, he falls through the ice. Before he dies, he accidentally teleports to the library.
He decides to tell his best friend that he is alive, but chickens out and ends up using his powers to gather what he needs and disappear by hiding out in a motel.
Flash forward and he has used his powers to get rich. However, there is a group of religious fanatics that are hunting jumpers because they feel that only God should have the power to be everywhere at once.
The rest of the movie is, as with most action movies, about his trying to escape the people hunting him.
Spoiler: he finally tells his crush that he survived.
I really enjoyed this movie. The concept of the jumpers and the religious hunters was unique. My one problem with the hunters was that they said only God should have the power to be everywhere at once. While I agree with that, I don't classify teleportation as being everywhere at once. It's more like immediate transportation.
David, the main character is a character who gains your putty because of his terrible childhood and the fact that he is hunted for what he is. But I also got really frustrated with how often he broke the rules as if he thought that they didn't apply to him. Plus, he wasn't always the most chivalrous of men.
Still, if you like fantasy, superhero, action sorts of movies then you would love this movie.


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