Sunday Sayings

In honour of Ed Sheeran's new album being released this week, I thought I'd share what might be my favourite lyrics from X. (Seriously, though, every song that man writes is brilliant!)
Image result for tenerife sea lyrics
I was part of a discussion a few weeks back - not for the first time - about how all music seems to be about love, relationships, and sex. This is true, save for a few marvelous examples. And I heard someone say that more artists should write songs that aren't about love, but about journeys, like Ed Sheeran does. And I agreed with that. I still do, but I realized later that a lot of Ed's music does still focus on relationships. I might argue that his music feels very real and deep, but that doesn't change the content.
So why does so much of our music - and all of our entertainment, in fact - contain so much about love? To put it simply, I think that love is the strongest emotion we can experience as human beings. Whether we are feeling the joy or pain that comes as a consequence of love, surely we have never felt anything deeper. We are made with the inherent desire to love and be loved. After all, humans were made in God's likeness, and God Himself is love. People will want to express this intense emotion that they have through creative outlets like music. Art is all about feeling, and what better feeling to express than that which we feel most strongly? Whether celebrating love, wishing for it, hurting from it, or trying to understand it, everyone is familiar with the emotions that come with love. That's why these songs are so common and so relatable.


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