Sunday Sayings

I am super excited this week because, after talking with my best friend last night, I was inspired to write once again. It has been ages since I have had the drive or the ideas. My best friend is great because she pushes me to come up with ideas even when I think I have none. She can fish out all of the creativity hiding out in the back of my mind. When I started writing, all of my work was done in collaboration with her. Now, she is my support system, my encouragement, and my biggest fan as I strive to become a published author. I only hope that I can be the same for her.
I hope that if anyone out there is an aspiring writer who is feeling stuck right now, that you might find the motivation to push through that and keep writing. Just write as often as you can, even if you think it's no good. Get the bad ideas out, and the good ones will come eventually. They always do.
What do you find helpful when you get writer's block?
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