Busy Adulthood...Not What I Signed Up For

Hello internet, my old friend! It's me! After months of silence I have finally returned. I look back at the past semester and wonder how I never once found the time to write a single post. And yet, the number of books that I have read and want to discuss only grew longer. I thought that the Christmas break would certainly give me more of an opportunity, and yet this is the first time I have really been able to sit down and type out what has been on my mind.
So what's the issue here? Put simply, I've become an adult, and it turns out that adulthood = busyness. I should have expected as much, right? I mean, my parents have always struggled to find time to do things for themselves. It's been years since I've seen my mom read a book just for the fun of it. The problem is that I was mislead when I went abroad. I lived on my own for months, I took care of all of my own shopping, chores, and cooking, and I believed that I had finally experienced independent living and was therefore prepared to be an adult.
And then I came home and had to go back to work. As it turns out, work takes up an inconvenient amount of time for a university student, even if it is part-time work. Yes, school is the biggest time-consumer during most of the year. Yet work takes away almost all of my remaining time. On top of that, I currently have to handle appointments, Christmas shopping, and other tasks that my parents are too busy to take care of at this time of year. The closer I get to graduation, the busier I seem to get. I always thought that I would find myself with little to do, aside from figure out my next step. The point is, I think that we are led to believe that adulthood means freedom and the ability to make our own choices and be responsible for ourselves. Unfortunately, the reality is that being an adult means that sometimes you will have to sacrifice your free time and interests in order to take care of yourself.
It's not all bad, and I don't intend to bring you down. I suppose this is all just a long-winded way of saying that I never expected to be so busy, and my blog has sadly had to suffer because of this. As I was writing this post, I came up with my first New Years resolution for 2018: I want to publish at least one post per week, no matter how much I have on my plate. I need to make sure that I am taking that time for myself, and that I do not let my writing and creativity fall to the wayside.


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