Customer Service

Let me start by saying that I work as a cashier in a grocery store. That being said, if you've ever worked in customer service then you probably know exactly what sort of things I am about to talk about. Today the store was busy and understaffed. I wouldn't mind that except that in my last hour my customers seemed to be coming up with ways to deliberately annoy me. If you have never worked in a grocery store or paid attention, then there are two things that you need to know to understand this story. One, the belt where the customer puts their groceries before they are scanned has a sensor and moves automatically so that everything is within the cashier's reach. Second, that belt gets narrower towards the scanner for exactly the same reason. So this man comes up with the brilliant idea to fill the belt as tight a possible when he loads it. Can you see where this is going? He packed the belt so tight that his groceries didn't fit and they started to get stuck and his box of Kool-aid crushed his eggs. The most annoying part of it was that when I told him that they were broken his answer seemed to say that he knew that would happen, but was just hoping that it wouldn't. Then the next lady decided that she didn't want the rest if her order, which I then had to clear off the belts. The last string was the woman who had a large order with lots of price matching who took forever and then could not seem to figure out how the debit/credit machine worked. By the time she was done I had about three angry customers behind her.
My friend came up with the best idea to turn Customer Service into a musical. It would be absolutely hilarious because, lets just admit, anyone who has ever had a customer service job would be able to relate to everything that happens in it. It would be full of great stories just like this. Although that may be too stressful for people who experience that every day.


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