
Okay, so it's an odd topic, I know, but hear me out.
So recently I was thinking, for reasons unknown, about my favourite Disney princesses. I began to think about why exactly they were my favourites. I mean, all Disney princesses are awesome, but what exactly made these ones so much more awesome? As I thought about this, I began to realize that why I liked them said a lot about me. So, let me explain why Cinderella, Jasmine, and Belle are my favourite princesses.
1. Cinderella
Cinderella has been my favourite princess as long as I can remember, and I'm sure that most girls would say the same thing. But why did I love her so much? Well, first of all the girl lost everything she had when she was young, and instead gained a life of misery. The only family treated her like garbage, yet through it all she showed them nothing but kindness and respect. She was the most humble and selfless girl I've ever seen. For this life she was rewarded with a prince! And even then, she was still so humble and selfless (if you've seen the second movie you'll know what I'm talking about). As a princess, Cinderella still goes out to visit her peasant friends, and treats them no different than before. She even helps her evil sister, who made her life a misery, find true love. She also refuses to become a stuck-up noble and is not afraid to change tradition. These characteristics: humility, selflessness, bravery, respect, kindness, gentleness, are all qualities that Cinderella exemplifies, and that I strive to have--and would like to believe that I do have.
2. Jasmine
Jasmine is not your ordinary princess, to me she was always one of a kind (that was until Merida came about). Unlike the other princesses, she wasn't looking for love; she was looking for independence. She wanted control of her own life, and a chance to be normal. I love that she doesn't feel she needs to have a prince to make her happy, and in the end realizes that she still wants a marriage, but not for riches or power, for true love! And even though she wants independence, she is still willing to accept the help of her knight in shining armour when he swoops in (even if he is just a street bum). What I admire about her is that she wants independence, and power and riches don't matter to her. I also love that she even understands that independence doesn't mean escaping her old life, or being single. She learns to get what she wants while pleasing her father. The need for independence is something I have always felt that I share with her, but of course I would also be happy if someone swooped in to save me too! ;)
3. Belle
Belle is different because she is an outcast. She is a wallflower, but she is so unique in her own way that she still stands out. I relate to this completely. Also, she loves to read, and so do I! But, back on topic. When her father is captured by the Beast, Belle is willing to give her life in place of his. This is the most selfless act anyone can perform. Even then, she learns to care for and love the Beast, who no one else is even willing to see because of prejudice. She understands and cares for her father and he Beast, both misfits like her. To me it is quite beautiful how sweet and kind she is. And of course, for all the good she has done, she is rewarded with a prince (noticing a trend?)! Once again, these are qualities I hope that I have. If ever there is someone who is being judged by others, I try not to let myself be biased by what others say. I also hope that if I ever had the chance to save someone I loved, just like Belle, I would be equally selfless and brave.
So that is the whole of it. And now, thanks to this, I've been inspired to draw these princesses (and likely others as well). Of course, it is hard to improve on the Disney look, but I am going to try to make them my own style still.
P.S. I also love Mulan and Pocahontas, but they aren't princesses, so for the sake of this I did not include them, but I'm sure you could infer why I love them.


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