The Strange Case of Finley Jayne

Sorry that I have been more sporadic in posts as of late (not that anyone has yet to read this blog and notice). Anyways, my most recent read was The Strange Case of Finely Jayne by Kady Cross.
This is more of a novella than a novel, and I finished it within only a couple of sittings. I have become fascinated with the steampunk style for the last few years, and have had this book on the backburner, so I am glad that I finally got to read it.
This book is about a young girl who has another, more dark, side to her personality. She is different, and finds it difficult to make friends or keep a job. One day, Lady Morton requests Finley to fill the position of companion to her daughter, Phoebe. Finley quickly realizes that this job is one she cannot lose because Lady Morton hired her with the full knowledge of the girl's capabilities. Finley's job is to protect Phoebe, particularly when it comes to her new fiancé, but there is more to him than even Finley first suspects.
This book was quite good, simplistic, but still a nice thrill. The foreshadowing and hints do not leave the reader in complete suspense, nonetheless it is shocking to find out the truth about Lord Vincent. However, before I comment on the plot, let me point out one small detail: Finley is chosen for this job because she has the darker side of her that few people know of. I believe that this is the reason for the author's title choice; it is a reference to The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. This is not only clever because it fits her situation, but because it was itself a Gothic mystery novella, which is Finley's favourite type of book to read. I am in awe of the amount of thought that Kady Cross put into the title alone. This should bode well for the rest of the book, right?
Right. It was well-written, and yet it took me back to the style of books I used to read. I love Y/A books just for that. Of course, there was so much more to love about this book. Finley was a unique character. I loved her strength and charisma, and of course, her compassion for others. Even as she destroys Lord Vincent's plans, and when he kills himself, she can't help but feel bad for the man. I really enjoyed that she had such a close relationship with the Morton family, it was like she was just another member of their clan. I was really upset that Finley chose to leave after all of that. I would have enjoyed it if the whole series had had that dynamic, but I still think that I will eventually read the rest of it.
I loved the contrast between Finley's world and Phoebe's, and that they were able to bring a part of their universes to one another. It was rather realistic, not only in the physical differences between them, but even the behavioural comparisons. The same realism was also applied to the science in this book. Now obviously, this is not hard science, nor did it exist, but Kady Cross managed to make it convincing, and none of it seemed out of place in the environment that she created.
My last comment (since I do not want to ramble all night, and I'm sure you don't want me to do that either) is that I appreciate Finley's love of books. As you can tell, I love to read. Therefore, I like that it was also her favourite pastime. The best part of this was that it was her love of reading that allowed her to understand what was happening. She had known of Lord Vincent's last wife, and that he was only marrying Phoebe because of the resemblance, but it was the fact that she was reading Frankenstein that clued Finley into what she was seeing. Of course, even she was not quite expecting that he was going to put his late wife's brain in his new wife's body. (But for the record, I caught on before she did).
If you haven't already, I would definitely suggest that you read this book.


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