It's been a while, I know, but I promise not to leave anyone hanging forever waiting for the next post. So, without further ado, let me begin. I finally got to catch up with my recordings! (Makes fake crowd sounds).
So X2...wow. I have to say right off the bat that there was a bit more plot than the first movie. The flaw: maybe too much plot. What do I mean by "too much plot"? There is so much reference to the past and other events that are not fully explained. Everything revolving around Wolverine and his past is very vague. I watched it twice and still felt like I was missing something. Of course, the writers did do that at least somewhat on purpose, as shown by Wolverines statement to Stryker that he'd rather go with the X-men than learn about his past. Also, they did create the X-Men Origins: Wolverine movie to explain everything to the viewers (I am planning on watching this too, do not worry). The other thing that I found to be lacking in substance was the story of Jason Stryker. What exactly did happen with him? I understand that he did not like what he was an blame his patents, but the reason fir his current condition is not precisely described in the movie. What did Magneto have to do with it? Did he and Charles run the school together once? And the greatest question I have: if Stryker hates mutants so much, why does he have so many of his own? And why does he hate his son for being mutant but he is so proud of his creation, Wolverine? (Okay, so maybe that is 2 questions).
On a more positive note, I did find it to be very thrilling. I find it hard, even when he is evil, to hate Magneto. Maybe it is because he is not an overall bad guy, and his motives are understandable. Then again, it is probably just because I am a huge fan of Ian Mckellen. Another thing I have to point out: Kurt Wagner is Alan Cumming! I grew up watching Masterpiece Mystery, but I had to look on IMDb after I saw his name in the credits to figure out that that was who he was playing. He is an awesome actor. Once again, I found it hard to see Cyclops as a believable mutant hero, but I have decided that this is due to my having watched him only in 27 Dresses and Hairspray, and the fact that he cannot use his eyes to convey any of his acting because of the glasses. Still, I felt really bad for him at the end. I still really love Wolverine, and I think that he and Jean would have been good together, but I am glad that she stayed faithful to Cyclops. I felt really bad for Billy and Rogue, though, because they are so good for each other, but she always ends up hurting him. And if course I felt even worse for Billy because of the way that his family treated him.
There are so many more things that I could say about how well-done this was, but I think that if you have seen the movie, you would know that it speaks for itself. All I can say now is that X-men is my favourite superhero series and I cannot wait to watch all of them! I love the characters, and the plots. The best part though, is that they are relatable to so many people. I know what it is like to feel like you stand out or don't belong. I am quiet, and I often prefer books to people. I have alway been that nerdy wallflower. I understand how they feel and I love the concept, and the fact that the writer explore the different ways that the mutants deal with their situation by showing Professor X's and Magneto's views. Okay, I apologize for the ranting, so let me end by saying that though I like Magneto, I love Xavier and I would definitely be in his side.
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