Coming Soon (to a theatre near you)

First of all, do you appreciate the little joke in my title? If you were born after the age of the VHS you are likely lost, but to those of my generation (or perhaps the beginning of the DVD era) I hope you found it as witty as I did when writing it.
I don't usually do this, but I wanted to put up this post for the few potential readers of this blog looking for my newest entries. I have been watching a lot of movies (and squeezing in as many books as I can) but I would like to continue the posts in the order that I have read / watched things. However, I know that the few I have coming up next (including the Sarantine Mosaic series) are ones that I want to really go into detail on and since school just started up again, it might take a while to find the chance to write it all. Also, for the series I borrowed the first book from the library, but I would love to have a copy of my own, especially for referencing while writing the blog. So stay tuned for the feature presentation (okay that one was not as clever).


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