God's Not Dead

For a Christian movie, wow, this was like movie magic. The acting was good, and the film quality didn't make you think of home videos.
Shane Harper was awesome, first of all. I have to admit that I used to (and sometimes still do) watch Good Luck Charlie, and so I was a bit afraid that all his acting would be Family channel (Canadian version of Disney channel) acting. I am glad to say that I was wrong. He was quite good. An may i point on thy his characters name was Josh Wheaton (i ha trouble not hearing it as Joss Wheddon.)
The girl playing his girlfriend on the other hand, not so much unrealistic, but mood-swingy. Although I suppose that was more the character than the actress herself.
The plot was really neat. From everything I had seen and heard, I was under the impression that the whole plot was the battle between the student and the teacher. I was pleasantly surprised Rodin that there were a number of story lines that all converged near or during the Newsboys concert.
My advice for that scene is not to pay too much attention, because you will begin to realize, as I did, that the actors are clearly not at the concert.
I don't want to give away the plot, so my last thoughts will just be enteral remarks. First of all, I love the appearance by the Robertsons (Duck Dynasty). They were fairly natural considering that they do reality TV not acting. The Newsboys were definitely more natural, though.
Lastly, the ending came as a complete shock. All sorts of emotions were flying, but it made an impact that I think was necessary to drive the point home one last time before the film was done.
I will warn that, according to my pastor, the student is arguing thy God created evolution. I did not interpret it this way, so make of it what you will. Nonetheless, a well-done Christian film, and a good film in general.


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