Friends with Benefits

Justin Timberlake. Mila Kunis. Predictable. Cute. A bit inappropriate.
(That last one means R-rated)
Anyways, the movie opens with two almost identical break-up scenes that at first have you convinced are the same scene since both couples are dressed almost identically, standing in similar-looking locations, and having the same conversation. As it turns out Dylan (J.T.) is in L.A. Jamie (Mila) is in N.Y.C.
Jamie is a head-hunter who gets Dylan an interview with GQ. However, he'd rather stay in L.A. Than move to New York. He is willing to leave his old web design job for this one, except for the location. To convince him to change his mind, Jamie shows him around town, not looking at tourist attractions, but at local life...which apparently includes a flash mob (that will come up several times in the movie). They become friends and decide that since neither of them is ready for another relationship (and they don't seem all too keen on the idea of love, at least not between friends), they will become friends with benefits (thus the title).
As is the classic twist with all chick flicks, events follow that lead them to believe that maybe they do want emotion and not just sex. Jamie thinks she might have found love with a doctor after hitting on him because of a bet with Dylan. That is until the fifth date when they sleep together, and he walks out before she wakes up.
The pivotal moment: the 4th of July visit to Dylan's family beach home. His single sister and her son are staying with Dylan's father to look after him. He has Alzheimer's and often loses track of what is going on, but Dylan stubbornly refuses to admit that his dad needs help. The dad loves Jamie and they all start to feel like famy. Then one night Dylan goes to Jamie's room and for once they share emotion in their relationship; this includes a lot of reminiscing over Dylan's childhood photos, and Dylan singing (of course, since he is J.T.).
Somewhere in here - I can't remember where exactly - is a scene with the two of them sitting on an O in the Hollywood sign that is so cute!
Anyways, the next morning he is trying to convince his sites that he is not in a relationship with Jamie, who thinks he doesn't like her and goes home early and upset. There is a whole fight over him getting another job, which affects her.
In the end they realize (go figure) that they love one another. Their feelings are revealed in an awesome scene where he lures her to the train station and organizes a flash mob using the song from July 4th. So romantic! Yeah, that's right, a movie about sex that has a romantic ending!
So cute, and I love Justin and Mila. If you are comfortable with the intimate scenes, or at least comfortable enough to watch through your fingers, this movie is a really good rom com.


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