Artistic vs Creative

So I came to the realization recently that  artistic and creative aren't quite the same thing. One is more about skill while the other is more about a state of mind. Let me explain.
Artistic talent is just that: a talent. It is a skill which some people are born with. Artistic people are those who have the technical ability to communicate images on paper (generally in such a way that it is recognizable as something from the physical world.
Creativity is the ability to come up with ideas, or to think of ways to communicate thought and emotion in an artistic manner. Creative people see the world in a different way from others. The way that they experience and view objects and events in their lives is unique in that they can see the artistic potential where others cannot.
Often, these two come together. However, it is possible to have an artistic person who can only replicate images or ideas, but struggle to have their own creative views. One could also be creative, but lack the skills to create what they have thought up. This leads to the stereotypical frustrated artist personality. They have so much that they want to communicate, but are not satisfied with their skill when it comes to finding an outlet.
Creativity may be an inborn talent, just as artistry, but I think that there is something else to it. As children, we employed our imagination in all sorts of playing and art. We came up with ideas that (despite our lack of current artistic talent) we used to express through games, crafts, singing...anything we could use. All kinaesthetic activities. I think that creativity is imagination that never died out. And we still express out creativity with kinaesthetic activities that such as writing, painting, drama and dance.


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