Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Unfortunately, this is the last movie in the series that I got to watch. But I have the rest, I just need to find time to watch them.
Harry's fifth year at Hogwarts is far different than any so far. Dementors attack him and Dudley one day on the way home, but the family blames him since muffles can't see the creatures. And Harry using his Partronus to protect them means that he goes to court. Thankfully he is saved by Dumbledore, but the headmaster seems to be ignoring Harry more recently.
All summer Harry has been lonely, and has received no news from his friends. Finally, he is brought by the Aurors to 13 Grimmauld Place, the home of his godfather, Sirius, and the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix, a group lead by Dumbledore against Voldemort's and his followers. All of the Weasley's and Hermione are there, as well as Lupin, Snape (occasionally), and several Aurors (Tonks, Moody, and Kingsley to name the main ones). Unfortunately the kids are not allowed to know what is going on or get involved (even though Sirius thinks Harry deserves to know...and he does).
Finally they go back to school. While it is still more of a home to him than the little house on Privet Drive, he doesn't feel as happy at school this year. For the first time he realizes the thestrals pulling the carriages from the train to the castle. While this is literal, it is a figurative representation of how Harry witnessing (SPOILER ALERT, but you should know by now) Cedric die has affected him. While he was present at his parents' death, he was old enough to understand this one. He begins to bond with Luna Lovegood who, though a bit odd and crazy, has been through the death of her mother. She also turns out to be very loyal and intelligent.
The other problem comes when Umbridge arrives at the school. The OCD woman in pink with her hate of children and her ministry brainwashing is sent to the school to teach DADA and is slowly upgraded until she is headmistress. She is on the side of the Death Eaters even if she doesn't know it. The school year gets strict and unbearable, so the kids follow the adults by creating Dumbledore's Army where they train in DADA stuff that Harry knows they can use.
Can the secret society of children make a change? What will they do now that Umbridge had taken over from Dumbledore?
I was surprised that I wasn't more frustrate this movie. Again, it was as accurate an adaptation as the other movies. However, the book always made me angsty and frustrated because no one would believe how Cedric had died or that Harry had seen Voldemort's come back. I seem to recall that at times even his friends had doubts, but they stuck by him because they were loyal. The movie gave him a whole group of kids who believed right from the start that he was not just trying to become the centre of attention again. Mind you, it's been a few years so my memory of the book could be inaccurate.
Anyways, keep watching this series because it's good.


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