Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

This movie follows Harry as he enters his third year at Hogwarts. Once again things don't go well at home, and he accidentally inflates his aunt (which I find both hilarious and terrifying).
On the train to Hogwarts he discovers a few newcomers to the school, but not students. A cold, dark, overwhaelming feeling introduces him to the Dementors. These creatures, made to be guards of all of the worst wizarding prisoners at Azkaban, have been sent to guard the school because one of their worst prisoners, Sirius Black, has escaped. The Dementors have a bizarrely strong effect on Harry. And so he meets professor Remus J. Lupin, the new DADA (defence against the dark arts) teacher. Side note: we learn that chocolate is more than just a sweet treat if you're a wizard (I always knew it was good for you).
It soon becomes clear that the escaped convict is hunting down Harry, probably to finish him off after he survived Voldemort's first attack on the Potter family.
For the first time in his life, Harry's past begins to really catch up with him and he is able to finally know more about his parents.
Another wonderful adaptation, no matter (well, maybe small matter) that some of the book is missing from the movie.


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