
Once is likely a familiar title to many of you as the name of a very popular Broadway musical that has been around for several years now. And if you guesse that my blog was about that, you are somewhat right. I have not actually been lucky enough to go see that performance. I have, however, seen the movie upon which the play is based. That's right! I bet you probably didn't know it was a movie.
For those who haven't heard of the musical or didn't understand the premise, it is about an Irish singer-songwriter (male) who meets a European immigrant (female) who plays piano and sings. The two work together to make their music and get a demo CD in the hopes of turning their passions into a career.
It is the classic storyline of boy meets girl, and so boy falls for girl (and girl, somewhat more reluctantly, falls for boy) and boy faces the risk of losing girl. It turns out that the young, single mother is actually still married but her husband is at home. I don't remember it being very clear as to why the couple was not together, but it didn't sound like the relationship had been going well.
This is a very simple story, but very raw and artistic. The music, all of which is written and sung by the characters (and is actually written and sung by the actors) adds another dimension to the movie and tells a story beyond what is being shown on screen.
At first I was afraid that the movie was actually just some film project someone had done. The quality of the film itself and the movement of the camera was reminiscent of a hand-held camcorder. But as you get into the movie, this becomes less noticeable and I think it adds to the character.
This is a story about love, determination, and following your heart. But it goes so much deeper. It explores the difficulties of the lifestyle of an immigrated single mother trying to earn the money to raise her daughter while also wanting to fulfill her dreams. It is responsibility versus enjoyment; looking after others and seeking fulfillment for oneself.
My one last comment is that the movie left me feeling...ambiguous, I suppose. It was a very different feeling for a film than any I have ever seen. And the biggest contributor to this uncertainty was the ending. I don't want to spoil it, so all I will say is that it ends how it should but not necessarily how you would want it to.


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