The Imitation Game

Sorry I've been absent so long guys (and gals). I have no excuse for the pastseveral  weeks except being tired from work, but last week I was volunteering in the mornings and working in the afternoons. But take heart, for I am determined this week to do more blogging. Bonus: today you get this blog AND Sunday Sayings.
This movie is another one that I watched during Christmas break (yes, I know I'm still behind).
As always, I don't want to get too into it and reveal the whole story, but I will summarize for you. Based on a true story. Young Alan Turing is a mathematician of the highest calibre who is recruited to help the English understand and decode the German "enigma" machine. A small number of linguists and mathematicians make up the team that works hard every day to figure out the cipher before midnight when the code will change. The team gets mad when Alan won't help, but they will soon realize that he is working on a machine (which he calls Christopher) that, if it works properly, will solve all of their problems.
This is a bio-drama which essentially tells of the invention of computers. Alan Turing was the father of the modern technology now found in almost every household in the Western world. Unfortunately, this remained a secret for decades because the English didn't want the Germans to know that they had cracked the code in case there was ever another war. The release of this movie allowed the world to understand what the British, and particularly Alan, accomplished during the Second World War.
It is also, however, the story of a poor but brilliant young man who struggled to be a part of a society that didn't accept him. It was made to send a political message about the rights and progress of the LGBT community. This message is only really clear at the end, as the movie tends to focus on his personal story and his inventions.
This movie is brilliantly made all around. I loved the story, the shooting, the acting. It was emotional and inspiring. Obviously, based on all it's Oscar nominations/achievements, it is a movie worth watching. Plus it stars the talents of my beloved Benedict Cumberbatch, and the adorable Kiera Knightly in the main roles.
Back when I watched the movie, I shared this quote, but I want to share it again because it is the core message of the movie:


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