
There are so many thoughts trapped inside my brain, being squished into corners to make room for everything I'm studying. I promise that when I get the chance, I will share them all with you. 
For now, let me tell you about this most inspirational movie. Produced by Angelina Jolie, Unbroken is based on the life of Louis Zamperini.
Louis was a troubled young boy, often running from the cops. Then one day he joins the running team, breaking records with almost no effort. His big brother became his trainer, putting him on a better path. Eventually, Louis got to go to the Olympics in Germany. Unfortunately, the then 19 year old runner came in 8th. He did, however, run one of the fastest final laps ever in the 5000 meter run.
Within a short while, WWII would consume the world, and when America finally joined the fight, so did Louos Zamperini. And everything would go downhill from there.
His plane crashed, leaving only a few of them alive. Eventually, he and two others would spend weeks floating on life rafts in the middle of the ocean. By the time they caught the attention of a passing plane, their trio had become a duo.
Further trouble comes when the plane turns out to be Japanese, and the two men are taken as war prisoners. They would spend the rest of the war in several different prisoner of war camps in less than ideal conditions.
To top it all off, Louis gains a nemesis in the form of the soldier running the camp, Watanabe. When the Japanese soldier realized there was an athlete in the midst, it became his goal to break the youn man.
The story of this movie, and truly of Louis' life, is one of perseverance. Louis could have given up so many times. He should have died long before the end of the war. But he never stopped fighting. Above all of this, though, it is a story of faith. The young man believed that only God was getting him through this. He promised to give his life to Hod if he would make it out alive. And he did.
After the war, Louis would become an evangelist, even returning to Japan to talk to the soldiers who had kept himself and his fellow soldiers captive.
Many years later, he even got the honour of carrying the Olympic torch, all because he never gave up faith.
This movie is intense, and perhaps a bit depressing, but the message of hope and strength is so uplifting. Louis is an inspiration beyond any I've ever known. I realize as I say this that Louis Zamperini is my hero. He was willing to give his life to end the war, but he was just as willing to live if he was able to live his life for God. He has strength and faith I can only dream of having, but with God anyone can achieve what he did. I want to be as strong in my faith and perseverance as Louis.
Well this has turned into a long way of saying that this movie is an inspiration. It is artfully made by everyone involved and if you haven't seen it, you really should.


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