Walking Through Toronto in the Rain

I have a question: have you ever just taken a leisurely stroll through downtown Toronto in the rain? Most of you probably haven't because you have never been to Toronto, and maybe you never will because you don't live anywhere close to it. But if you do get the chance, try it out.
When you're in Toronto (or any big city), it's very easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the busy city. And quite often one becomes so preoccupied with reaching their destination that it's not hard to miss everything going on all around you.
But the other day I was out of class early and I knew I had time to kill, so when I stepped outside and had to put up my umbrella, I hesitated just long enough to look around me and see how beautiful the city looked against the hazy grey sky, everything glistening with water. Even the temperature was comfortable for going for a walk. So I decided to stroll slowly to my destination, taking in the streets - which at that point where partially abandoned except for all the people under umbrellas or hoods trying to get to their destination where they could stay dry.
I was feeling super romantic! It was actually one of the few times that I took in the splendour of the busy city, everyone rushing past, just another faceless stranger, but all of us connected because we were a part of the same city, the same culture. I can't even explain what it was I enjoyed so much, but I felt so relaxed.
And it doesn't have to be Toronto, obviously. Maybe you could try it in New York, London, Paris, or even a little farm town somewhere in Europe. The location isn't really the point.
Recently I've just been enjoying the small wonders in life. Have you ever just gotten caught up in the music while your at home alone and decided to dance like an idiot because no one is there to see you? It's fun to laugh at yourself. And then there's the joy of playing with your pet, both of you running all over the house like you're way younger than you really are. That's the best school work distraction I've ever found. I don't know why, but it makes me laugh as well.
What I'm really getting at here isn't that you need to do these things exactly, but that you should always try to just take a moment and let everything go. Embrace who you are, and enjoy those little things that you put off because you're "too busy" or you "have somewhere to be". Life will wait for you sometimes, but if you stress yourself out all the time, you won't have anything positive to remember about your life. And maybe these silly little memories will fade within a decade, or several, but I will be able to look back on these years and remember the feelings of joy and peace that came with all of those silly little things, like walks in the rain.
So don't sacrifice those things you love for empty successes, or school assignments and work tasks you'll never care to remember. Like right now, I should be writing a paper for a class. But I find writing my own thoughts to be more enjoyable (plus maybe it will help me to get back into the writing groove).
Next time you have the chance, take a moment and go for a stroll through Toronto in the rain.


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