Goodbye Castle

Tonight was the end of an era. Tonight we said goodbye to Castle with its eighth and final finale. It is only now sinking in as I sit here writing that the journey I have been on with Richard Castle and Kate Beckett for the last few years has reached an end. I'm choking back the tears so that I don't draw attention to myself while I write this (my sister is in the room with me).
I wanted desperately to post something when I heard about Stana leaving the show, but I decided to wait until her role on Castle had officially come to a close, and I am glad that I did because now I can pay tribute to all of the amazing characters on this show, who have become a part of myself; and I'm sure they have become as much a part of all of the other fans.
Castle, like many other police shows, was inspired by our good old friend, Mr. Sherlock Holmes. But it was so much more. The writers took that classic format and made it all their own. Stephen J. Cannell no doubt played a large part in the decision to make this show about a mystery writer. And I loved it! As an aspiring writer, this show made me dream of being as successful as Castle. But even if that could never be a reality, this show was special to me because it was about an author.
[Potential spoilers. Read at your own risk.]    Despite all of this, the thing that made Castle truly special was the characters. They have evolved so far from where they began, sometimes to the chagrin of the fans. Nonetheless, it was their evolution coupled with their consistent character cores that was so human and relatable. Everyone has the ability to change, but no one can ever truly lose the essence of who they are. And Castle exemplifies that so well. He began as a cocky, curious, childish womanizer, and he ended as a still very curious and childish man, but one who was far more mature and who had been changed by his love for a woman who taught him how to be a better man. Similarly, Beckett started as a sexy, mysterious, powerful cop who had trouble letting her walls down, but in the end she had learned that she was strong enough to let those walls down, especially when she had the love and support of a man who truly wanted to help her and make her happy. Their love story truly was, as Mr. Flynn put it, "epic." They were always learning and growing together, and challenging one another. Their loyalty to one another is perfect. They are my relationship goal - minus all the danger and crime.
Beckett taught me what a strong independent woman was, and how sometimes even strong women need someone else to rely on. She was an example what it means to be a fighter, but also an example of how sometimes even a fighter has to lower their defences. Katherine  Beckett is so much of what I want to be as a woman. Castle, on the other hand, taught me what a writer should be, and how important it is to always have an imagination and to maintain a belief in magic and the fantastical. He was an example of what a strong supportive husband should be, even when he pushed a little too hard. They balanced each other out, and together they were amazing.
But I don't just want to talk about the main characters. We have to remember how many strong female characters were a part of this story. For starters, Martha raised Richard. She is quirky, but she is independent and successful, and most of all she is a protective and loving mother. Alexis is my favourite character because she is intelligent, hard-working, and a little nerdy. She is a more realistic goal for me than Beckett, I feel, because I'm already more like her. She is the sweetest daughter, although she sometimes acts more like the parent in the family. Their family, to me, was the best family on TV. Back on topic, we can't forget the sass and skills of Dr. Lanie Parish, or the strict power of Captain Victoria Gates. And there was this season's great addition of the witty, mysterious and caring Hayley Shipton.
I have to, of course, mention the world's best cop partners, Kevin Ryan and Havier Esposito. Kevin, generally, was on Castle's side. He had a bit of that naïve belief in the supernatural, but he was also a very logical and reasonable guy. Sometimes, Ryan was too much of a rule-follower for his own good, but he always did the right thing. And I'm sure we were all glad that Kevin was that way because he saved his friends on multiple occasions. He was also the family guy, showing us the sensitivity and strength that a father should have. Espo was a playboy, no doubting that, but he was funny and talented. He and Ryan completed each other. Havi was a risk-taker, but his brash reasoning and courage made him an asset to the team, and a good protector to his partner.
I could talk forever about these amazing characters, each of whom has touched me deeply and who will always remain a part of me. That is what good shows do, they shape you and stay with you.
And can we just talk about the ending? It threw me into a whirlwind of emotions too quickly to even process it all. I thought they were dead (and I wonder whether she might have been if the show had continued without her). But I am so glad that they lived, and that they had their beautiful happy family. I loved hearing the voiceovers of all the things they'd said to each other in the past, like a summary of their time together. And I will leave you with this thought: they had 3 kids just like the guy from the future predicted a few seasons ago!
So now the show is done, but it will never be over for those of us who love it. Their love story goes on, and we can always have that to keep us going even though the episodes won't. For now, I am going to try reading the Richard Castle books. Of course it won't be anything like Castle, but I hope that it can make it all last just a little longer for me.
Thank you to the cast and crew of this brilliant show for bringing an emotional, funny, dramatic, and totally epic show to us for the past eight years. This will forever be one of my favourite shows. So long, Castle!


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