Remembering The Princess Diaries

I found The Princess Diaries movies on television this weekend, and rediscovered the awesomeness that is Mia Thermopolis. And so I would like to take some time to remember how amazing these movies were.
For starters, these are quintessential early 2000s teen/rom-com movies. They have the right level of comedy, childishness, teen drama, and romance. And the love stories are good. They're not just love at first site. The characters are somewhat eccentric, but totally relatable to everyone who grew up in that decade. Seriously, we all made those questionable clothing choices, and we all thought cheerleaders were stupid and/or mean. Don't ask me why.
But I'm getting no off topic. I especially love the second movie in this series, and I'll tell you why. These films are perfect because they made all girls believe that they could be a princess. Mia was nothing like what any of us pictured when we thought of a princess, especially having grown up with the classic Disney princesses. She was dorky, smart, not conventionally attractive (at first), and she was shy. She wasn't popular or elegant. She was every girl. And so we could all put ourselves in her place. She reminds us in the second movie that every girl is a princess.
Mia was my absolute favourite princess when I was a girl. I wanted to be a princess who didn't need a man and who didn't act like she was rich, self-absorbed or important. Mia proves that a princess can be modest and humble. She never wants to have the attention or protection that is given to her. And she, along with her grandmother the queen, proves that a woman is fully capable of ruling in her own right. She never feels that she needs a man to complete her, but she knows that love is important and she makes sure that she doesn't settle. She knows her worth, but she doesn't over emphasize it. She is confident, even though she sometimes doubts herself. She is human, no matter her status.


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