Sunday Sayings

Today's quotation is so true, and it's something I've really only started to experience since being in university. I noticed that, as long as I was doing my own thing, being all alone in the city was totally cool with me. And unless I'm getting stir crazy or really need someone to talk to, I quite enjoy sitting alone in my house (or my apartment here in England). But what really bothers me is being with people and feeling like you would rather be alone. I don't mean wanting to be alone because you're tired or introverted (that's me all the time). I mean wanting to be alone because it's better than trying to force conversations with people, faking enjoyment because you're feeling neglected or bored, and being left out of conversations happening all around you. When the group you are supposed to be a part of seems to be excluding you, or your buddy is more interested in their phone, that sucks.


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