Sunday Sayings

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I feel like I am on the verge of being the next Bilbo Baggins; I'm ready for an adventure! Of course, everything I am doing right now is an adventure. I am sitting in my little apartment in Lincoln, having just booked a trip to London for reading week. This weekend I have been exploring my city more and taking in the local experience. And it fills me with the sense of adventure I get from reading a good fantasy story, or watching a great fantasy movie. Like Bilbo, I feel so inspired by my adventures, and I feel at this particular moment that I could be on the verge of writing. Inspiration has escaped me for too long, but I am hoping that my trip to London will bring it back.
I have realized, though, that I do not need to travel or see the world to have an adventure. Of course, that makes life all the more interesting. But just being me is an adventure. It is an experience no one else will have.
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