Sunday Sayings

I have been in England for over 2 months now, and I realize that perhaps the greatest thing that God has been challenging me and teaching me to do - something that He has been trying to get across to me for quite some time - is that I need to pray more. When you don't know anyone, when you are removed from the community you've grown up in, the community you've lived in your whole life, it can be quite lonely sometimes. By that, of course I sometimes mean that empty feeling of having no one to turn to. But what I really mean is that you don't have people to talk to. I'm not much of a talker, but I have definitely spoken less in the last 2 months than ever. Normally I come home to my family and we chat about our days or whatever we want. I can't do that now. So who do I talk to? Well, thankfully, there is still social media to keep me in contact with my loved ones. However I turn to God a lot more now. I have developed a daily routine that includes prayer times at the very beginning and ending of my day. This helps to remind me to spend time with God as much as I can during the rest of my day too.
Now I'm trying to find more time with God, or maybe fewer requests for Him. I don't think that God would ever be upset for us to ask for His help in every situation we face, but prayer is a conversation and I feel like I don't give God a chance to speak. When was the last time you gave God the chance to ask things of you? When did you last ask Him to search your heart and find your faults? If you're like me, it was too long ago. If we want a relationship with God, then we need communication with Him. That's the only way this is ever going to work.
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