Books, Books, Books

I realized at the beginning of the summer that I had over 30 books to read! This was due to a combination of having not enough time to read (thanks to school) and being WAY too into buying books. Now let me explain the biggest dilemma. Of these 30+ books, about half are the first in a series. I thought that it would be smart to only buy the first one, then if I like it I can get the rest of the series later. A smart as it is, it means that if I like it, I will be adding at least one other book to my list. For this reason, I decided not to buy any more books this summer.... This plan, however, has already become an utter failure. Today I bought The Complete Works of Sherlock Holmes and The Grimm Fairytales. An those books are HUGE! Can you guess what I will be doing this summer?
P.S. I promise todo my best to keep this blog up to date with what I am reading.


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