This Means War

I've been watching a lot of movies. Can you tell that it's summer? This time I decided to watch a little rom-com to break up my action movie streak.
This Means War was a really unique plot for this genre. The fact that the two men unknowingly fall for the same girl...awesome. And while the love triangle is a very common rom-com feature, I am glad that This Means War changed it up by showing it from all sides rather than just the girl's side. Of course, the fact that they are CIA and turn their rivalry into a full-out spy war is just genius!!
What else can I say? I love the relationship that the guys have...I mean they were practically raised together! They are the best friends there ever were. No wonder they have the same taste in women (including Tuck's ex-wife). I felt so bad that this actually came between them, but it was their own fault for not dealing with it honestly. In the end, everyone got hurt by what happened. Thankfully, however, they were able to make up. My one critique for that scene is that it happened a little too briefly. It could have used a bit more drama or heartfelt sentiment, but I suppose that lifetime friends have an understanding that goes beyond words and actions. 
I am happy to say that the ending is very satisfying. When in danger, her true feelings are revealed by her choosing to run to FDR for safety. I was not upset with her choice, but I will admit that I wasn't completely sure about why she chose him, considering that she and Tuck seeme to hit it off from the start, whereas she and FDR did not. I suppose that when she really learned about him and that he trusted her despite all that he had been trough an all of his securities, she realized that he loved her, and thy she loved him equally if not more than Tuck. It made me even happier that Tuck and his ex-wife started dating again at the end. I must admit that I missed the explanation as to why they split up, but once gain the truth was what they needed to make the relationship work. Overall, it is one of my favourite (excuse the potentially offensive, but accurate title) "chick flicks" of all time...and not just because of Chris Pine and Tom Hardy.


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