Avengers: Age of Ultron

Considering my last post, this one seems a little out of order; I know. I still need to see the next Captain America, but I'll take whatever I can get.
As mentioned in a previous post, I watched this one for my birthday. Best birthday ever!!
This is the newest Marvel movie (besides Ant Man) so I'll try not to spoil things. But if you haven't seen it and you don't want to know any more about it, use discretion in reading this.
The movie opens in the midst of a fight between the Avengers and Hydra at a fort the latter group is using in Eastern Europe. They are experimenting on people using Loki's sceptre, attempting to create "weapons" to use against the Avengers, and others. Pietro "Quicksilver" Maximoff, a speedster, and his twin sister Wanda "Scarlet Witch" Maximoff. She is able to severely hinder the team, starting with Iron Man. She is able to play off of his greatest fears. However, he successfully retrieves the sceptre.
Examining it, Iton Man an Bruce Banner end up creating a plan using the powers (similar to a computer program) to create AI. It is designed to be a global defence program.
But then it goes rogue and shuts down Jarvis, leaving Iron Man temporarily useless. Ultron takes on the form of one of the robots (Iton Man suit look-a-likes), which controls all of the others. Bonus creepy moment/reference to Fisney being the production company: Ultron's first verbal act is to sing Pinnochio's "I've Got No Strings".
Ultron takes the sceptre and recruits the super twins, who want revenge on Stark for making the weapons that killed their parents. There is another fight that occurs (in Africa), this time involving Ultron's little team, arms dealer Ulysses, and the Avengers. Hulk ends up going nuts and destroys a nearby city, aided by Stark using his Hulkbuster in an attempt to stop the monster (I regret the word choice because Banner is anything but a monster, however he comes across as such in circumstances like this). They later take refuge at Barton's safe house.
There are back stories, expanded ideas of what their lives are like, and character/romantic developments here.
Thor goes off to find Erik and consult him, as well as other powers, on the meaning of his vision.
Ultron is trying to transfer himself to a more human form, but the avenger get the technology from him just in time. Suddenly re-entering the scene, Thor fixes the situation by creating his own AI type being (though more life than robot in some ways, and part his because of his origin) using Jarvis, which he calls the Vision.
In a final battle, the twins will realize which side of the fight they want to be on when humanity becomes threatened by Ultron's technology. The fight takes place on a European city which Ultron is lifting from the ground in order to destroy mankind. All of the heroes get their heroic and human moments in this fight, and Iton Man is able to prove himself again and prevent his worst fears from coming to life.
It's very sad but it has it funny moments. I felt a whole new level of connection, and I suppose pity, for both Banner and Romanoff. I really hated Iton Man in some parts of this movie, but felt bad for him in others. I even felt kind of bad for Steve. The Twins and The Vision were great additions to the team.
My favourite moment has to be the party when all of the Avengers tried to lift Thor's hammer, and Steve almost succeeded! Thor's face was the best! Bonus moment: the shock everyone felt when the Vision was able to use the hammer.
SPOILER! I was so shocked and upset when Pietro died, but admired his heroic acts, considering the fact that he was against the Avengers for so long.
This movie has all of the action and wit of the first one, but with even more amazing plot and characters. It even gives great messages about peace and change, that really make you think. Hopefully that's the kind of thing you look for in movies. I find it just adds that extra something. Seriously, go watch this.
Oh, and you may hate the last moment because there is an iconic line that goes unfinished just to frustrate fans. Enjoy! 😜


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