
This movie is really just something to watch if you want an easy plot and some goofy humour. The minions are still their adorable selves, and for the most part the humour is rather childish.
This movie is about the minions' search to find a boss before they worked for Gru. Three of them end up working the world's most popular villain, Scarlet Overkill.
I really don't have much to say about this. For myself and my friends who really enjoy the Despicable Me movies, we found Mionions to be a bit of a let down. For my friend who, for some reason, didn't really like the Despicable Me movies, this was apparently an improvement.
One thing I will say is that we brought my friend's 7 year old brother to the theatre when we watched it and e quite enjoyed it. He was very nervous because he thought (as children do) that maybe Kevin was not going to be okay. But family movies always end well.
A really good movie for kids, or maybe fun to watch once in a while if you just want something that you don't have to pay much attention to or get to attached to.


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