Overview of OUAT

So I don't know where time has gone. It appears that exams and assignments just eat up the hours, days, and weeks. By the time I realized I was neglecting this blog, I was too busy to post anything to make up lost time. But now I'm back, and I would like to make it up to you by doing a little retrospective look at season 5a of Once Upon A Time. And I will do my best not to spoil things for you.

I would like to begin by saying that Eddy and Adam are back and they mean business! I have always loved the writing of this show, but they had me hanging on at every turn, never knowing quite what to expect. Some plot twists I saw coming, others I would never have picked up on. They write the characters so well that after 4 seasons I am sure I'm not the only fan who can often predict what characters are going to do just because we've gotten to know them so well. But Adam and Eddy also realize that people are only human, that people have flaws and act selfishly and go against their nature, or give into impulses, so they put in great twists that perhaps the characters themselves would not even expect.

So anyways, since I don't want to spoil anything I won't say much more. Let us now take this time to admire just a few of the great things we got to see this season.

There are so many things I want to look back at, but let us first admire our heroine turned villain, the main focus of this season's problems: Emma a.k.a. the Dark Swan.

First of all, I will always love and connect to Emma. I love that she strives for good, and she struggles. She is so human, but she is the saviour. And yet she was the Dark One. She had me torn; was Emma still in there or not?

And that's not all. Emma had very few costume changes this season, but her costumes were AMAZING!

First of all, her usual Storybrook Dark One look is my new favourite outfit! (I am so going to cosplay this.)

Can we also just admire the whole gang determinedly walking down the street? 

I quite enjoyed all of her costumes, but I shall only feature one other because this is my favourite costume ever from this show!
(Taken from Jennifer Morrison's Instagram) P.S. If you know where I can get this dress, please let me know.

I could go on about so much, but let's keep this brief. May we take a moment now to admire the wonder that is Merlin...

Another new character that Adam and Eddy once again flawlessly incorporated is one of my favourite new Disney Princesses: Merida.
You can't help but admire this fiery lass.

It was nice to see some old familiar faces again like Mulan and Ruby...and of course that is only a small taste of the reunion we could get in episode 100 during season 5b. I am so excited!!

And how can we ever forget the relationship which we all know is meant to be, despite all the troubles they've gone through (and will go through) to be together?

I know this quote isn't from this scene, but it was hard to find images. Plus this scene is just so sad and beautiful.

Captain Swan forever!
I have to confess that this was not my attitude when Neal was around, but Neal was her true love at the time and she and Hook weren't really sure what they were. Plus Neal is awesome and he's Henry's father. Also, Hook was still learning to be a hero, but by the end of last season we saw that he had managed to redeem himself and had truly fallen for Emma. So now I am completely on board with this relationship.

Anyways, I apologize for the obsession and the rants...and the nonsense. Exams have left me a little scatterbrained. All I know is that I love this show!! Most people want to meet the stars of their favourite show, and I do, but I would really love to meet the writers because Adam and Eddy have written a show that is more complex and emotionally deep than any book or series I have ever read

I hope you all enjoyed this little homage to Once Upon A Time.


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