Final Destination

Warning: Contains spoilers.
This is one of the better horror movies I've seen. It has all of the suspense and supernatural that one would expect, but somehow without the over-exaggerated amount gore and scares. Some of it seems a little odd, particularly the intro, and it's still somewhat predictable as horror movies often can be.
Alex is one of a group of French students going on a school trip, but he has a premonition that the plane is going to blow up, and in a panic he and several others end up running off of or being removed from the plane. As they stand in the airport discussing Alex's vision, the plane takes off and then explodes.
At this point the audience might notice, as I did, that every time a strange wind blows through a room, something bad is about to happen. Slowly, each of the people who escaped the original explosion begin to die. The first boy lost his brother, and so when he is found hanging in his shower, the investigators believe it is suicide. Alex realizes from news about the explosion that each of the survivors is being killed off in the order in which they would have died.
Alex continues to have premonitions about the other deaths, but investigators start to think that he is behind all of the murders. In some cases, his premonitions allow him to save his friends, in other cases death is unavoidable. Every time someone lives, the next person is targeted until everyone has been attacked by Death, and then Death (Alex thinks it is some kind of conscious force, and it seems it is based on this behaviour) goes through the order again in an attempt to kill them off.
Two of the students, Alex and Clear, survive to the end of the movie, but it is clear that they are still in danger (pun not intended).
I was extremely intrigued by the concept, and impressed by the execution. But some things were never really explained. And it's not that I need them explained, but I wish I understood it even better. For example: why/how did Alex get the premonitions? why did he and Clear manage to survive for so long even though they were destined to die? Most importantly, who is the mortician? His name is Bludworth, and somehow he already knows who they are. It makes me think that he is Death, but according to others on the Internet, Bludworth is not Death. To me, he was the freakiest part of the movie. The kids are in a supposedly empty morgue when he walks out of this whole in the wall and starts telling them what is happening. Plus, I was watching Dead of Summer this summer, and he was the ghost in that show, so he came off as particularly creepy to me. This role is probably why he got cast in the TV show, actually.
What I found most interesting, when I later looked up the movie, was that this was originally an idea written for an episode of X Files. First of all, I watched some episodes of X Files for the first time last year when the new ones came out, and I kind of like it. But I was also interested in what it would have been like if it had been on the show instead of in a stand-alone movie. Would Death have been the one trying to kill them? Would the case have been solved? Would anyone have survived? Would Alex's premonitions have been explained? I wish we could find this out. Sadly, we can't.
If you aren't a big fan of horror movies, but you want something with a bit more suspense, this is a good choice.


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