One Week From Home (Sunday Sayings)

Wow, has it already been a week? At first I wasn't sure that time was even moving at a normal pace; I had nothing to do and the days felt unusually long. I say I had nothing to do, but that is not entirely true. There are lots of things I could have been doing, like reading, but I didn't really want to. Weird, right? I always want to read. Apparently, adjusting to a new country somehow took the desire to read right out of me. Or maybe I just need better reading material. The exact cause is yet to be determined.
Anyways, if you missed it, or if I've done a terrible job at explaining what is happening in my simultaneously exiting and dull life, you should know that I am spending the first half of the year studying in England. It's pretty great. I'm nestled in between evidence of Roman and Medieval occupation while studying history in the country that essentially gave birth to great literary tradition! What could be better?
It's a little lonely, but I also think that pushing myself straight into intensely social situations would have made the transition harder. I spend a lot of my time at home by myself (or with my family, when they are home), so straying too far from that lifestyle would have made this experience far more estranging. But I went to church this morning, and that is always great for refocusing my life at the start of a new week. Everything I am doing here is according to God's purpose for my life, so I can't forget to spend time with Him. I do my devotionals every night before bed, and read a chapter of the Bible every morning while I eat breakfast. I'm trying to use my notebook not just for brainstorming and writing, but as a way to keep track of prayers and conversations with God. I don't know exactly what this will look like yet, but I am looking forward to it.
England is beautiful, and God has answered my prayers so far, making sure that I get to see the sun every once in a while. We need to see the light to remind us that we live in the darkness. I thought it was pretty great that I actually saw the sun again this morning on the way to church: a reminder of God's love and the way that He answers prayer.
Those of you who came for the quotation only have either given up and moved on at this point, or skipped most of what I have written in order to see what pretty little image I have pulled off of Google today. Fine, I'll stop talking about myself and give you a little something to inspire you going into this week. I've picked a simple one from one of my favourite authors, C.S. Lewis. It's a good reminder for all of us, but especially for me as I start this new chapter of my life so far from home.


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