Sunday Saying ~ Happy New Years

Not sure how it's already almost the end of the day, but it's not too late to wish everyone a happy new year! I'm really looking forward to what this year has in store. In just under two weeks I leave for England, where I will be studying for five months. I'm planning on documenting my journeys on this blog, and I hope you'll all enjoy that change in subject matter.
Zoe Saldana suggested coming up with a word instead of a resolution for this new year, so I've decided that I want my word for the year to be intentional. I want to make sure that I put effort into all of the friendships that I have, especially since my best friend of over 10 years has now disappeared from my life. I want to be super intentional with my faith, in seeking and living for God. And I want to be intentional about trying new things and taking advantage of studying abroad. I've picked a quotation that I feel is appropriate for the year ahead.
And now, as the first day of 2017 draws to a close, I'm getting ready to watch the new episode of Sherlock. Who's with me?


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