
[WARNING: Spoilers] If you haven't noticed, I'm a big Marvel fan and apparently I got on a Marvel roll. Happily, I was able to watch this one in theatres on opening weekend. There is just something about the energy of all of those fans together in one room that makes these movies even more epic.
Deadpool is the story of Wade Wilson, a sort of vigilante, mercenary-for-hire, ex-military badass. Basically, he's kind of a screwed-up fellow with a mouth on him. His humor, commentary and sass have no end.
Wade finally meets his match in the beautiful, crazy Vanessa. They're both lost souls looking for a sense of belonging, which they find in each other. He eventually asks her to marry him, but their joy is short lived when he learns that he has severe cancer throughout his body. With no options left, Wade leaves Vanessa and takes up an offer from a mysterious man to partake in an experiment in order to cure himself of the cancer, and also to become superhuman. Ajax (aka Francis) is the one running the experiment, but Wade realizes that the man is taking some major risks with these procedures that can be detrimental to his test subjects. Wade pulls through despite all likelihood that the procedure would do him in, and he cleverly manages to plan an escape, destroying the facility in the process.
Wade emerges from his fight with horrible full-body scars and immortality/rapid healing abilities. That coupled with his military training made him an unstoppable force, but more of an anti-hero than a superhero.
Francis takes revenge by kidnapping Vanessa, and Deadpool recruits the help of X-Men Colossus and Negasonic Teenage Warhead, with an epic battle to follow.
Colossus is definitely my favourite character. His lawful good, happy-go-lucky, no-nonsense attitude turns him into the giant, shiny, Russian angel on Deadpool's shoulder. The way he addresses Deadpool sometimes, almost as if he is a child needing discipline and guidance is funny, and Deadpool's defiance of this help is equally comical. Of all the characters in the film, I definitely related to Colossus the most just because he was the real honourable, rule-following hero one would typically think of when they think of classic superhero personalities, and I think that I would have much the same role if I was in this movie. It's an odd comparison, bu I felt like he was the Hermione of the mutant trio.
Let's not forget the amazing title character. Deadpool's humour and wit, especially in the way he breaks the fourth wall, makes this movie very entertaining. He can sometimes be very dark, other times graphic, and in other instances childish. I love all of his back-handed comments and the dryness of his humour. It's also inspiring how optimistic he is for a guy who has gone through so much shit in his life.
The action is great, despite the small number of actors actually involved. Ryan Reynolds has said that the budget was a little small for what he wanted to do with the film, but I am pleased with what they were able to do given the circumstances. I would have loved to see more females, since Ryan says that Angel Dust was a combination of several characters that they couldn't fit in. I would also love to see more X-Men, just because I love them and I would enjoy seeing how Deadpool interacts with other heroes. On top of all of that, the soundtrack is great. And Deadpool's humour has been integrated so thoroughly throughout - my favourite instance being the opening credits in which the actors' names are replaced by the trope that their character fills in the story (i.e. Moody teenager). Ryan Reynolds even mocks himself as a producer in those credits. He was made for this role, honestly, and it is clear from how much fun he had making this film.
There was some great character development for Wade, but I would totally enjoy a sequel so that I can see him develop further. Plus, I want to see where his story will take him next and how that will fit into the Marvel universe.
I would not recommend this movie to adolescents or anyone younger. There is a lot of graphic sexual and violent content, but it was not enough to make me super uncomfortable. That being said, I watched the first half with my mom, which was somewhat uncomfortable. The again, watching the sex scenes in a theatre full of young and middle-aged men felt a little creepy to me too. I can't tell you not to watch it, but please use your discretion in deciding whether you or your children (if you have any) should watch this movie. If you are okay the mature content, I highly recommend this film. It's very different for Marvel, but just as good as their other films. Absolutely epic and completely hilarious!


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