Thor: The Dark World

[WARNING: Spoilers] Two years since Thor first came to earth, Jane continues her research on the connections between worlds and stumbles upon a powerful and dangerous entity known as the Aether. Thor learns about her (mis)adventure with the wormhole and brings her back to Asgard with him to figure out what happened to her and to protect her. Malekith, an ancient Dark Elf, seeks the Aether out to destroy Asgard. Once Thor's mother dies protecting Jane, Thor and his friends flee to keep her safe. Unfortunately, Thor requires Loki's help. Loki seems to be on his side, but his allegiances are always shifty and his motives remain unclear. On earth, Darcy and her new assistant seek out Dr. Selvig to assist them in locating and assisting Jane. Jane's research led her to discover a "convergence" happening between all of the realms, and when the fight between Thor and Malekith comes to earth, Selvig and Jane use a device to maipulate the wormholes all around them. A multi-dimensional battle ensues in which Loki dies, Darcy finds love, and Malekith is destroyed. In the end, Thor renounces his right to the throne so that he can return to Jane.
This Thor movie is even more epic than the first. It has more Asgard, more realms, more evil, more romance, and bigger battle sequences. The amount of Asgard that you get to see, and the amazing graphics and designs bring the world to life. Also, Jane being able to go to Asgard with Thor allowed for their relationship to be deeper and more real.
Loki is my favourite part of this film. I really enjoy those grey characters who actions and motives don't always match an who either switch sides constantly or sit somewhere on their own between the two sides, working for their own interests. It's not that I admire him for being this way, but he is so interesting because he is complex. He wants to do the right thing, but he doesn't believe that he can and so he betrays everyone else to ensure that things go his way. When he died I was so sad, but realizing that he faked his death had me simultaneously fuming and laughing.
There was just so much more intrigue and emotion in this movie than the first one. I want to see this in full again, because I think it may actually be my favourite Marvel movie. It's deep and complex, but it's still a superhero movie. I think this one is a must-watch whether or not you are really into superheroes.


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