War Room

And now for something completely different. A lot of my recent posts have been about superhero movies, but I'm not just a one-trick pony (not sure if that was the best use of that saying, but I stand by my choice). 
War Room is a faith-centred movie brought to you by the people who made Courageous and Fireproof. It focuses on the power of prayer, especially in the most difficult circumstances. Most importantly, it highlights the power of putting God first in everything you do. Tony and Elizabeth are married with a young daughter, but Tony is cheating on his wife, ignoring his family, putting all his focus on work and turning away from his faith. Elizabeth, meanwhile, realizes how both her husband's and her own behaviour are destroying their family. She is a real estate agent and through her job she meets Ms. Clara, a widow looking to move in with her son and his family.
Ms. Clara helps her realize how important prayer is by showing Elizabeth her war room in which she strategies in all areas of her life with prayer and she fights the battle against sin and death with Hod at her side. Elizabeth, and later her daughter, follow the example of their new friend and ask God to fix their family situation. Finally, their efforts have an effect on Tony, who turns back to God and straightens out his life. In the end, their lives change in ways that may not seem so great, but work out to God's glory.
This movie is not made on a big budget, and the actors are by no means Angelina and Brad, but it was believably acted. Ms. Clara's acting was a little over the top. This movie is emotional and powerful in its message, unfortunately the quality of the film overall is a little disappointing. Still, if you want confirmation that prayer really does work, and motivation to incorporate prayer into your own life, this is a good movie for that. Since watching it, I dedicated a small corner of my chalkboard next to be bed to prayer requests.


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