Beauty and the Beast
The Disney live-action remake of Beauty and the Beast appeared, from the trailers, to be nothing more than a replica of the original animated movie. The details were somewhat different (obviously), but the story clearly wasn't going to change and the scenes were done exactly the same way. Beauty and the Beast has always been one of my favourite Disney movies, or at least Belle has always been my favourite princess. I was extremely happy to see that they had cast Emma Watson in the role, because she is perfect for it! But I worried that the movie might not be that interesting if nothing changed. After all, the live-action remakes began during the height of the rewritten fairy-tale trend (see Maleficent and Cinderella , also Once Upon a Time ). As disappointed as I might be with an altered storyline, I was hoping for a new angle on things. Watching this on the plane ride home over the summer, I was happily surprised to discover that the narrative was largely unchanged, but th...