A Brewing Storm

[Warning: contains some spoilers]
This short little ebook is the first in a trilogy of books based on those written by the title character of ABC's Castle (one of my favourite shows). I decided to give this little series a go because I wanted to shake things up, read a different genre than my usual go-to. Plus I wanted something light and fun. And this is certainly both of those things.
The Storm books are certainly cheesy - pulp fiction, some might say. They feel like the kind of mystery books you could pick up at a convenience store in a train station or an airport. But I enjoyed it! There was a film noir-esque narration style, and it was very typical for a spy thriller. There's a macho, dark male lead who has a thing for pretty women, especially the feisty and powerful ones, but he's running from his past. He had to fake his own death, and he's afraid to face the woman he left behind when their CIA boss calls him back for a new mission (luckily he doesn't have to). The female foil is gorgeous and strong, but very stubborn. She plays by the rules, but Storm doesn't. "Together" they have to investigate the kidnapping of a senator's son. Just as they wrap up the case, however, the senator is shot and the pair realize that the case has just become far more complicated and dangerous.
Full of sexual tension and (somewhat obvious) political mystery, this book was a fun break from heavy literature full of deeper themes. If you like Castle, you'll enjoy reading this. It's very much a Castle story, and it's fun to see his voice coming through (even though he's clearly not the author).


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