Sunday Sayings

Starting in a new positions at my job, I have to admit that I've been feeling pretty co rodent about it. It seemed simple enough. And then I hit an unexpected snag. I can across some problems that I didn't know how to solve because I've never experienced them before. And I admit that when I saw the first problem I started to panic a bit. But I reached out to my friend, and when he told me what to do I realized that it's okay if things don't always go as they should. After all, I'm human, so I'm going to make mistakes. Plus I'm still very new at this job, so no one will be expecting me to be perfect yet. If the fault is mine, they'll tell me what I've done wrong and hopefully I won't do it again. But I choose to see this as a learning experience, a small wave on an otherwise calm sea that has already passed me by. It won't stop me from enjoying life if I just let it go. This doesn't affect any of the important things in life.


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