What Does the Bible Really Teach About Homosexuality?
Before I start: no, this is not going to be a post in which I preach at you. This is simply a review of a book I have read, as so many of my posts are. I just want to give people ideas about these books, and to open discussions about them (should anyone wish to have a discussion).

This book, in my opinion, handles it's topic very well. Kevin DeYoung not only has gay and lesbian friends, but he is a pastor and is therefore very careful to say only what he can support with scripture. And he is aware that the world is complicated. He makes it quite clear from the start that homosexuality is not a choice any more than heterosexuality. And for this reason, the thoughts and desires associated with homosexuality are no more sinful. Yes, lust is a sin, but it is a sin no matter your sexuality. The problem with these thoughts occurs when we choose to act on them. Therefore, Kevin DeYoung's argument in this book is that the acts associated with homosexuality are sinful. And he explains this by going through all the relevant bible passages chronologically. He looks at context, at word origins, and at the ways that overly liberal and conservative churches/Christians are making it difficult to clearly understand the biblical perspective on this issue.
This book was short and straightforward, with some really good and insightful passages that apply to heterosexuals and believers as well as homosexuals. His entire message is rooted in the understanding that we are all sinful and that we must all find God's grace and be changed by His Holy Spirit. If you truly want to understand the biblical perspective on this issue, this is the book I would recommend. Even if you have never read the bible, never heard god's word preached or explained, DeYoung is good at making his message comprehensible for everyone.

This book, in my opinion, handles it's topic very well. Kevin DeYoung not only has gay and lesbian friends, but he is a pastor and is therefore very careful to say only what he can support with scripture. And he is aware that the world is complicated. He makes it quite clear from the start that homosexuality is not a choice any more than heterosexuality. And for this reason, the thoughts and desires associated with homosexuality are no more sinful. Yes, lust is a sin, but it is a sin no matter your sexuality. The problem with these thoughts occurs when we choose to act on them. Therefore, Kevin DeYoung's argument in this book is that the acts associated with homosexuality are sinful. And he explains this by going through all the relevant bible passages chronologically. He looks at context, at word origins, and at the ways that overly liberal and conservative churches/Christians are making it difficult to clearly understand the biblical perspective on this issue.
This book was short and straightforward, with some really good and insightful passages that apply to heterosexuals and believers as well as homosexuals. His entire message is rooted in the understanding that we are all sinful and that we must all find God's grace and be changed by His Holy Spirit. If you truly want to understand the biblical perspective on this issue, this is the book I would recommend. Even if you have never read the bible, never heard god's word preached or explained, DeYoung is good at making his message comprehensible for everyone.
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