Farewell Orphan Black

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I decided to make this a special edition of Sunday Sayings in case some of you still hadn't seen the finale last night. I apologize in advance if you still haven't watched it, because I'm not going to hold back on anything I want to say.
I am so glad to have started this show when I did. In January, when I was just settling into my apartment in England, it was often quiet and lonely. So I started watching Orphan Black when I realized that it was on UK Netflix. For years I have wanted to see the show and understand what it was all about, and I'm beyond thankful that I was able to binge watch 4 seasons in a couple of months and then come home in time to watch the final season. While I wish this show had been in my life longer, I don't regret that I could see the show from start to finish in just about seven months.
There are so many things that I admire about this show: it's raw, it's real, it's full of deep character development and well-incorporated science, and it is very female-driven. The nature versus nurture aspect of the story is one of my favourite aspects of the show because it demonstrates that it is the people around us and our own choices that make us who we are, not our DNA; it means that our biological family doesn't define us, nor do they necessarily need to be the people that we consider family. The Clone Club family is amazing, both on and off the show. There is a great sense of unity surrounding this show that I've never noticed with my other fandoms. I only wish I knew other fans to connect with.
So can we just talk about this finale for a second? Obviously, I'd love to discuss the whole show, but I won't go into that now. What I want to say is that I am so glad that the show ended how it did. While the final victory came quickly and felt less climactic than I might have expected, it was very tense and thrilling when the twins finally killed the remaining Neolution leaders. But I was very happy that the majority of the episode was calm and positive. I was frustrated that Sarah was reverting to her old ways, but I think that we were seeing that this is the way she deals with stress in her life. The best part of it all was seeing everyone happy and forming a real family. It's so nice to see them all with the people they love, doing things that make them happy.
P.S. I realize this isn't the right scene for the quotation, but I wanted something that conveyed that power of the sestras.
Thank you Orphan Black  for telling this powerful and moving story.


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