Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2

The final movie in the Harry Potter series is largely dedicated to the Battle of Hogwarts. All you really need to know about what happens in this movie is that Voldemort and his army rise and come to attack Hogwarts, while Harry, his friends, and the Order flock to the school to protect it. You might wonder at a time like this why the biggest battle in wizarding history is essentially a lot of evil lackeys and the Dark Lord versus students, teachers, and the few people who remained loyal to Dumbledore. Somehow I hardly questioned that in the book, but the movie made me question it. Then again, there is a recurring theme in the book of adults refusing to believe what is going on, but many students are convinced by Harry and the events at their school that Voldemort is alive and coming for The Boy Who Lived. Sounds an awful lot like Jesus' speech in Mark 10 when he describes the way that children are so much more willing to believe and trust than us skeptical adults. There are more biblical themes and references in these novels than you may realize...I should get back on topic, but now I'm wondering if I should write a blog on this one day.
The other important thing to know about this final film is that it is sad - tragic, even. It is a battle, so there are clearly many deaths. But this movie is also the one in which Harry finally learns about Snape's past and allegiance. I won't say more for the handful of you who somehow don't know about it because I want to leave some things as a surprise. Plus, I think everyone needs to decide for themselves what they really think about Snape.
As you can guess, though this movie is quite dark, the ending is happy. Not joyous, but happy. Everything wraps up quite nicely and our trio makes it out alive. I think I've said this before, but I don't find this movie as sad as Part 1. It is dark, rather than bleak, but more action-packed and tense rather than emotional. All in all, a worthy ending for a great series.


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